Change is coming: the great Google Analytics migration

If you haven’t heard by now, there is a major change afoot in the web analytics world. Having launched Google Analytics 4 (GA4) in the fall of 2022, Google officially announced that it will completely replace Universal Analytics by July 1, 2023. To put it simply, the Google Analytics you know and love is coming to an end, and it’s time to embrace a whole new platform – the sooner, the better.

Why should I care?

While this will undoubtedly change how you view and track your data, it’s a very positive and powerful development. Google Analytics 4 is designed holistically, meaning companies will be able to track the end-to-end user experience instead of mere snapshots of metrics on specific pages and devices.

Among its benefits, you can now dive deep into your audiences, exploring multiple layers of their interaction with your site. GA4 can now show you in a single snapshot how many times a user has accessed your content, engaged with the site, and made a purchase–all with accurate time attribution. In other words, it can tell you how and how long it takes for a customer to complete their journey end-to-end.

Even better, GA4 deploys cookies and tracking in compliance with regulations, so your customers’ data is safe, and your company can responsibly reap the benefits of clean, honest data. You can also access tools that were previously behind a paywall, compounding the power of your analytics.

Why should I act now?

The software, powered by AI, measures data completely differently than Universal Analytics, meaning that comparing old data with the new GA4 analytics will be like apples to oranges. We cannot avoid the change; that’s why it’s critical to make the shift now.

Pro Tip: Google only saves your data for 26 months, after which the slate is wiped clean. The best practice is to back up your data every month externally.

Not only will the metrics change, but even the way you visualize the data will be different. It’s a new interface, new series of reports, and a new way of working.

Don’t fret – this powerhouse Google Analytics 4 will help you better understand your customers and make real-time decisions about ad campaigns, platforms, etc.

What should I do?

Come July 1, 2023, Universal Analytics will no longer be supported. In essence, you’ll be starting from scratch. For the time being, you can still toggle back and forth between Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4. That gives you the benefit of falling back on the old system if you have any issues during the transition.

Migrating to GA4 at least a year in advance means that when the death date of Universal Analytics rolls around, you and your teams will already have access to a year’s worth of analytics in the new system for comparison reports. It also allows ample time for troubleshooting with your external and internal teams.

And most importantly, it gives you a leg up, allowing you to leverage this powerful new software to streamline and optimize your marketing strategy.

The time is now.

Need assistance with the great migration? We’d love to help you out. Shoot us a note at, and we’ll be happy to walk you through it.